Community Assistant

Service-Based (Solo)

Barrier to Entry


Short-term Potential


Long-term Potential




Big Audience or Ad Money Required


Income Potential


Salary Research

Monthly: $2,098 - $4,040 Average: $2,912 Hourly: $12.71 - $24.48 Average: $17.64


  • • Fairly fun job, you get to help create engaging posts for a community, moderate posts and comments, and host events
  • • Can be really fun working in groups where everyone is interested in the same thing
  • • Feel like you're part of a community as you get to engage with people in the niche, communicate any changes/updates, upcoming events etc.
  • • Awesome job if you're into gaming, so many opportunities to work for indie game studios or even your favorite gaming creator's Discord


  • • Have to wear multiple hats and figure out everything yourself as a freelancer (invoices, contracts, taxes, the "professional" way to do things etc.) - can be overwhelming
  • • Takes a bit of time to get going with it
  • • Have to find clients - not easy in the beginning
  • • No traditional safety nets like health insurance and pension
  • • There may be income insecurity or instability at the start